Sunday, January 1, 2012

Spilled Visuals: T.Miller Coming Out of Nowhere @tmillerpoetry


“Tomorrow it will not be about who remembers you but the reasons they remember you..." - T.Miller from Dreams Of  A Beginner

I remember getting a text from a close friend and amazing poet “Sonya B,” asking me to come down to “Krust Pizza,” to support her at an open mic, although I was reluctant I grabbed my cell and tablet and headed over. It was that night a familiar face walked in. I looked at my friends and said, “Hey, I know her. Not that I really know her, but I know her face, she was in a Sprite commercial and she’s dope.”  It was T.Miller Slam poet, author, and voice of a new nation….

As a fan - there's a lot that I could say about T.Miller... but sometimes it is best to let art speak for itself. 

Get to know her in her own words via twitter: